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I motivate individuals to be their true selves on and off the camera, connecting with their audiences every time.

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Let's get to know each other...

Hi! I'm mom to Abigail, Emilee and Harper, step-mom to Jayce, wife to Marshall, dog mom to Sophie (our crazy lab), chicken mom, cleaner, chef, taxi driver, the list goes on....Oh, and my name is Devon. 

I started my adult life working as an RECE in the school board and lasted in a kindergarten class for 13 years. Once I started having kids, I realized I wanted to take a different path so I took a desk job while trying to figure it out. I've always been drawn to food and nutrition but it wasn't until my body and health helped me through a serious post partum hemorrhage during my last and final pregnancy, that I decided that food was my path...so here I am. I am currently completing my Holistic Nutritionist Course and want to share my knowledge along the way!

More about me

Work with me

How can the food we put in our bodies help us heal

Personalized Meal Plans for the whole family

Picky eaters? No sweat. Dietary restrictions? Easy peasy. Barely have time to brush your hair? I've got you. Not as creative as you once were or just feel BLAH about food? I'm here.

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Story-telling for Podcast Professionals

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Marketing: Grow your podcast business fast

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Join our VIP group of Elite Female Podcasters

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Free Resources

See our latest posts about podcast strategies and mindset along with amazing freebies.

The hardest skill you need to master for podcasting

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Do you really need to master story-telling?

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The 5 steps to owning your podcast like a boss

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Client Testimonials

With❤️from clients

"Jane Doe has given me an amazing amount of knowledge for my podcast business and I now have the clarity and guidance. Thank you for all the help!"

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